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RV063a Michel Bordeaux

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Michel Bordeaux
Michel Bordeaux
Marine. This crew gets +1 to its gun rolls against English ships, forts, and crew.
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Michel Bordeaux Link (Father Rene Bordeaux)

At Viscomtesse Richelieu's request, Bordeaux's task is to shore up the defenses of France's New World holdings. He feels obligated to protect her holdings first, then hunt down the English.


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Raw data

Set : RV - Pirates of the Revolution (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 063a
Rarity : Generic
Points : 7
Faction : France
Name : Michel Bordeaux
Ability :
Marine. This crew gets +1 to its gun rolls against English ships, forts, and crew.
Flavor Text :
At Viscomtesse Richelieu's request, Bordeaux's task is to shore up the defenses of France's New World holdings. He feels obligated to protect her holdings first, then hunt down the English.
Link : Father Rene Bordeaux
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
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