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RV097a "Hacksaw" Riley

crew portrait
"Hacksaw" Riley
"Hacksaw" Riley
When another face-up crew on this ship is would be eliminated turn it face down instead.
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"Hacksaw" Riley

Most sailors consider a visit from "Hacksaw" a blessing and curse. He keeps them alive, but they'll likely end up with one less limb.


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Raw data

Set : RV - Pirates of the Revolution (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 097a
Rarity : Generic
Points : 5
Faction : America
Name : "Hacksaw" Riley
Ability :
When another face-up crew on this ship is would be eliminated turn it face down instead.
Flavor Text :
Most sailors consider a visit from "Hacksaw" a blessing and curse. He keeps them alive, but they'll likely end up with one less limb.
Link : -
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
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