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RF089 Captain Mysion

crew portrait
Captain Mysion
Captain Mysion
Loyal: Pirate, Captain, Parley.
crew portrait
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Captain Mysion

The self-proclaimed King of Pirates is either a genius or a buffoon, depending on which side you are on. Though many of his actions are inexplicable, they seem to work out for him in the end. And when it's all said and done he lords over the only defensive pirate haven in the world.


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Raw data

Set : RF - Pirates of the Cursed Seas : Rise of Fiends (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 089
Rarity : Super Rare
Points : 4
Faction : Pirate
Name : Captain Mysion
Ability :
Loyal: Pirate, Captain, Parley.
Flavor Text :
The self-proclaimed King of Pirates is either a genius or a buffoon, depending on which side you are on. Though many of his actions are inexplicable, they seem to work out for him in the end. And when it's all said and done he lords over the only defensive pirate haven in the world.
Link : -
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
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