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RSS028B Papa Doc

Realistic render of this crew is coming in a future update.

Raw data

Set : RSS - Return to Savage Shores (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 028B
Rarity : Generic
Points : 8
Faction : Cursed
Name : Papa Doc
Ability :
This ship gets +1 to her boarding rolls. Once per turn, one crew or ship within S of this ship can't use its ability that turn.
Flavor Text :
When Duc de Valois failed to deliver Josephine Godiva, Papa Doc turned all his wrath on France. With news of Godiva in the Polynesian triangle, he has begun stopping ships to find her. His luck is doubled by having her so close to the very altar where he plans to sacrifice her.
Link : -
Released : No
Collect. : Yes
No matching image available.


RSS028A Pierce Hollow

Realistic render of this crew is coming in a future update.

Raw data

Set : RSS - Return to Savage Shores (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 028A
Rarity : Generic
Points : 6
Faction : America
Name : Pierce Hollow
Ability :
Musketeer. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against English ships.
Flavor Text :
Pierce often recalls her father's tales of travel from the South China Seas to the Pacific Triangle. If a man could make his fortune there, perhaps a woman could, too.
Link : -
Released : No
Collect. : Yes
No matching image available.