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RV034 Woodes Rogers

crew portrait
Woodes Rogers
Woodes Rogers
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
crew portrait
crew portrait back
Woodes Rogers

Few know that Rogers began his career as a privateer under the English flag. His new status angers the French and Spanish—his former victims—and earns him the begrudging respect of the pirates.


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Raw data

Set : RV - Pirates of the Revolution (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 034
Rarity : Rare
Points : 5
Faction : England
Name : Woodes Rogers
Ability :
This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against forts within S of her. This ship gets +1 to her cannon rolls against Pirate ships.
Flavor Text :
Few know that Rogers began his career as a privateer under the English flag. His new status angers the French and Spanish—his former victims—and earns him the begrudging respect of the pirates.
Link : -
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
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