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RV090 Commodore David Porter

crew portrait
Commodore David Porter
Commodore David Porter
Broadsides Attack. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
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Commodore David Porter Link (Freedom)

Backed by the power of the new American government, David Porter was taked with to ridding the area of pirates, using the efficiency of a military operation.


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Raw data

Set : RV - Pirates of the Revolution (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 090
Rarity : Rare
Points : 7
Faction : America
Name : Commodore David Porter
Ability :
Broadsides Attack. This ship may move and shoot using the same move action.
Flavor Text :
Backed by the power of the new American government, David Porter was taked with to ridding the area of pirates, using the efficiency of a military operation.
Link : Freedom
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
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