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RV094 'Diamond' Nelson Turner

crew portrait
'Diamond' Nelson Turner
'Diamond' Nelson Turner
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
crew portrait
crew portrait back
'Diamond' Nelson Turner

Wherever Turner shows up, someone will make money, and someone will lose it. "Diamond" nearly always wins. The list of losers is a who's who of powerful New Orleans personalities.


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Raw data

Set : RV - Pirates of the Revolution (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 094
Rarity : Generic
Points : 3
Faction : America
Name : 'Diamond' Nelson Turner
Ability :
Once per turn, if this ship carries treasure and is within S of an enemy ship, you may randomly trade one treasure with that ship.
Flavor Text :
Wherever Turner shows up, someone will make money, and someone will lose it. "Diamond" nearly always wins. The list of losers is a who's who of powerful New Orleans personalities.
Link : -
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
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