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SCS023 Zheng Li Kwan

crew portrait
Zheng Li Kwan
Zheng Li Kwan
Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship's crew to give her an extra action. After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
crew portrait
crew portrait back
Zheng Li Kwan

Ever since England teamed up with Hong Kong merchants to sink his first ship, Kwan has lived by one edict: Destroy each and every enemy you face. Only their deaths will bring you peace.


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Raw data

Set : SCS - Pirates of the South China Seas (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 023
Rarity : Rare
Points : 5
Faction : Jade Rebellion
Name : Zheng Li Kwan
Ability :
Once per turn, you may eliminate one of this ship's crew to give her an extra action. After looking at treasure on a wild island, you may trade any one treasure from that island for a random treasure on any other wild island. This ship must load the traded treasure.
Flavor Text :
Ever since England teamed up with Hong Kong merchants to sink his first ship, Kwan has lived by one edict: Destroy each and every enemy you face. Only their deaths will bring you peace.
Link : -
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
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