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SCS056 James Cook

crew portrait
James Cook
James Cook
Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players.
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James Cook

James Cook opened up the Pacific Ocean to the English, and his uncanny ability to map each and every piece of land he has encountered means that the sun never sets on the English empire.


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Raw data

Set : SCS - Pirates of the South China Seas (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 056
Rarity : Rare
Points : 3
Faction : England
Name : James Cook
Ability :
Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players.
Flavor Text :
James Cook opened up the Pacific Ocean to the English, and his uncanny ability to map each and every piece of land he has encountered means that the sun never sets on the English empire.
Link : -
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
UID : 7C338NDET4
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