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SMEC-002 Sir Christopher Myngs

crew portrait
Sir Christopher Myngs
Sir Christopher Myngs
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
crew portrait
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Sir Christopher Myngs Link (Myng's Marauders)

Myngs was sent to the Spanish Main to remove the Spanish. As usual, however, he wasn't given enough ships to do the job, so he pioneered the English-buccaneer fleet. He personally led the largest of these fleets against the Spanish and Dutch.


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Raw data

Set : SM - Pirates of the Spanish Main (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : EC-002
Rarity : Rare
Points : 3
Faction : England
Name : Sir Christopher Myngs
Ability :
Once per turn before you give this ship an action, roll a d6. On a 5 or 6, this ship may be given the same action twice.
Flavor Text :
Myngs was sent to the Spanish Main to remove the Spanish. As usual, however, he wasn't given enough ships to do the job, so he pioneered the English-buccaneer fleet. He personally led the largest of these fleets against the Spanish and Dutch.
Link : Myng's Marauders
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
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