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SCS301 Gale Force Nine


Gale Force Nine
c ■ ■ ■ ■
Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players. This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
Captain Sweigart and his crew have measured and triangulated every island and natural terrain feature in the South China Seas. After all, you never know when you'll need to make an escape.

Raw data

Expansion : SCS - Pirates of the South China Seas (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 301
Rarity : Promo Ed.
Points : 15
Faction : Pirate
Name : Gale Force Nine
Masts : 4
Cargo : 4
Speed : S+L
Cannons: 3S 3L 3L 3S  (4)
Link :
Ability :
Once per turn, if this ship is within S of an island, you may mark the island as explored without docking at it. The island becomes unexplored in regards to all other players. This ship ignores terrain when she is given a move action (islands are not terrain).
Flavor Text :
Captain Sweigart and his crew have measured and triangulated every island and natural terrain feature in the South China Seas. After all, you never know when you'll need to make an escape.
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
UID : T2B613V1MM
No matching image available.


A standard sailing ship from the few first expansions.


SCS301 Gale Force Nine 15pts

UDC SimCost VindaCost
masts 2 2.8 1.5
cargo 2 2 3
speed 5 1 4.5
cannons 2 4 3
Keywords 5 5 5
Total 16 14.8 17
Diff. down 1 equal 0.2 down 2
Docs: Article Article Article