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SS032 Manawa no Kowhatu

Realistic treasure render coming in a future update.

Raw data

Set : SS - Pirates of the Savages Shores (Details)
Author : user.png Wizkids
ID : 032
Rarity : Rare
Name : Manawa no Kowhatu
Ability :
Choose a crew on this ship; if this treasure or that crew is removed from this ship for any reason, eliminate this remaining treasure or that remaining crew. This ship gains the Eternal and Fear keywords. If there is no crew on this ship when this treasure is loaded, this treasure is ignored.
Flavor Text :
Released : Yes
Collect. : Yes
UID : G28B45X5E7
No matching image available.

The current image available for this treasure is flagged "unsatisfactory". If you are willing to help providing a better image, please contact us at

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